Not a few people who have worked hard, worked hard, day and night sweats to wring a living, but the results were not as expected. Still deprived and poor. When a business like any trade, but not profit, is often lost, even bullied opposed to business and other various types of obstacles.
Of course, the cause can vary. To overcome this failure in work and business (business) is to re-evaluate our business. Check and improve skills (skills), learn about business, marketing and good management. Of course always nurtured a sense of optimism. Two of these elements can improve our performance in the work that eventually can increase the odds of success. But in addition to the two elements of success, there was again a success that the third element, that is DOA.
Because believe it or not, the real fortune is in the hands of God. HE was the one who actually manage the distribution of the fortune to all creatures. So if we have been aware of this, it is better if we look for in a fortune, working, trying, in addition to the provision of skills, but should also be accompanied by inner effort to always pray to God.
Here's Prayer Practices prayer To atract Wealth, prosperity And Success. Should someone practice with sincerity and routine (istiqomah) ,
any form of business God willing will be more successful . Ameen.
- Try every night around 1 am working on 2 ra'kaat prayers.
- After completion of the prayer and then read the following Asmaul Husnah Prayer.
before asmaul husna, read this:
“Bismillahir rokhmanni rokhim alkhamdulillahi robillalamin, Allahu masallim waa salim waa barik alla sayyidinna mukhamadin waa alla alihi waa shohbihi aj’main”. Robigfirli dzunubi wali-wali daya (3 x). War kham huma kama robayani shoghiiro Allahu magfirli mukminin wal mukminat wal muslimin wal muslimat warkhamni wa iya hum ina nasalluka…
Then passed on to read it as much wirid asmaul husna 1000 times.
"Ya Allahu, Rozzaqu Yaa, Yaa Wahhabu"
(O Allah, the Almighty prosperity;Giver Essence and Essence of the Supreme lot of administration)
Hopefully those who diligently practice it, the way her life is always bright, smooth, lots of good luck and kept away from the scattering property.
(ENLARGE Prosperity)
If you feel heavy to get up the night for some reason, not because of laziness.Here's another prayer for prosperity, which can be practiced more light enough to read five times a day. Free time, to be read 1 x every obliged prayer is completed.
Reading of the following is the prayer for prosperity, Shalawat Prophet. Besides which, of course, the point is To send/reading Shalawat to the Prophet Muhammad, have very much avail as follows:
- Expanding Prosperity.
- Bringing all the convenience of intent / desire required.
- Eliminating various kinds of narrowness.
Although reading this shalawat quite short, but very big boondoggle. This shalawat which read:
اللهم صل على نورالا نوار وسرالاسرار وتريا ق الاغيار ومفتاح با ب اليسار سيدنا محمدنالمختار واله الاطهار واصحا به الاخيار عد دنعم الله وافضاله
"Allahuma shalli 'alaa nuuril anwaar. Wa sirril asraar. Wa tiryaaqil aghyaar. Wa miftaahi baabil yasaar. Sayyidinaa Muhammadini muhtaar, wa wa ash aalihil ath haari haabihil akhyaar. 'Adada ni "amillaahi ifdhaalih wa."
اللهم يا غنى ياحميد يامبدئ يامعيد يارحيم ياودود يافعال لما ير يد اغننى بحلا لك عن حرامك وبفضلك عمن سواك
"Allahumma Yaa Ghoniyyu Yaa Yaa hamiid Mubdi'u Yaa Yaa Mu'iid Rohimu Yaa Yaa Waduud Fa'alu five yuriid agnini bihalaalika, anharoomika bifadlika'amman siwaak wa."
It means: "O Lord God almighty Praise Rich and mighty, God ordained and that returns, the mighty mighty Love and Compassion. Give me a wealth of treasures that you allow it not You forbid it, give me excess of blessing others with your gift."
Procedure for practice:
The prayer was read after each Friday prayer as much as 70 times. If practiced in istiqomah inshaAllah(Good Willing) will not be poor in life.
Thus, the practice of spiritual practice to attract wealth. Hopefully if any form of business we are always accompanied by the DOA and the Lord will give us all good luck with EASY and BLESSED.
Real Experience of the Brother of RasaSejati:
Real Experience of the Brother of RasaSejati:
Fortunately, my brothers and sisters who could find this blog. There are so many benefits that I have felt. On the instructions of God, when in a state of urgency I found this blog, please permit Guru Umar after I began a routine practice, thank God there are only a little way out of my difficulties, until finally a forecast from Ki Umar about a job I will soon be true , and now I've got a job with the supervisor level. Guru Umar !thanks for this useful science , . Yours respectfully
Yth.Rian, January 19, 2011
Yth.Rian, January 19, 2011
Assalamualaikum dear Guru, Hopefully healthy always , as a thank you for granting (giving the license to) me, Guru Umar, had told me that a Prayer to atract the wealth and prosperity .Alhamdulillah I feel the benefits already in my life, I want to share a little hermitage Taste for Truth,not many My Guru!, I just send Rp 100 500, -
Designation. Prince Sambernyowo, January 10, 2011
Designation. Prince Sambernyowo, January 10, 2011
Guru! thanks for deeds. Now I already have seen the results and resume practicing with the permission of Allah. These next three months I can be a bonus in a row that has been promised. $ 4 million, 7 million and 1 million. Thank God.
Designation. M. Khairi, October 31, 2011
Designation. M. Khairi, October 31, 2011
Assalamualaikum. Guru, my family can not afford to go to the site referenced friend, I am very interested and I refer my mother to take part go to the site, although the clueless mother (stuttering Tehnology) do not understand the internet & computers, not very good at technology. Then my mother asked for help with the employer of internet rental depo to explore through Internet to this blog .
because my mother earnestly wanted to practice this Prayer.Alhamdulillah about a month and a half after practicing it, my mother can toss a folding bike worth Rp.1.300.000 for buying coupons for participating in events commemorating the month of Muharram leisurely stroll. Because of our village is smal and a less populated. this winning became so popular among the villager , because the people are just lucky to get fan, shirts, ironing etc.. Thank you so much Guru. I feel very fortunate to find this site, and if there is a fortune I seriously want to share heir to Guru. Basmalah prayers and my gift to Ki UmarJogja.
Designation. Maharany, December 19, 2011
because my mother earnestly wanted to practice this Prayer.Alhamdulillah about a month and a half after practicing it, my mother can toss a folding bike worth Rp.1.300.000 for buying coupons for participating in events commemorating the month of Muharram leisurely stroll. Because of our village is smal and a less populated. this winning became so popular among the villager , because the people are just lucky to get fan, shirts, ironing etc.. Thank you so much Guru. I feel very fortunate to find this site, and if there is a fortune I seriously want to share heir to Guru. Basmalah prayers and my gift to Ki UmarJogja.
Designation. Maharany, December 19, 2011
Assalamualaikum Ki. Subhanallah wal ahamdulillah ... I found this blog yesterday evening on Friday December 22, 2011 and later that night my resume practicing Prayer Treasure Mountain, in the morning Allah gives sustenance unexpected to me, so excited, I apologize to grant it to my friends Guru without your permission. Apologize for my brashness and ask permission to continue the practice .
Designation. Sriwiyono, December 26, 2011
Designation. Sriwiyono, December 26, 2011
Dated since 1 November 2011 Application for a license to practice the science lessons in this blog, just posted on the page diplomas GENERAL (( CLICK HERE )) so that this page does not overposting. In addition to the yard which has been determined that, post your comments which contain applications for permission, we will REMOVE.
Ki UmarJogja
RePosted by Nurkholis with editing and little adjustment , for which permission or bersilaturrakhim with Ki Umar please click this link
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