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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How music can affect you

by M.Farouk Radwan 
                                The othe side of Lady Gaga appearance in full dress : Elegant, beauttiful

 How music can affect you
The music you listen to can make sudden changes in your mood as a result of reminding you of certain events in your past.

If you listened to a piece of good music that reminded you of a time you were feeling great then most probably you will experience a mood lift while listening to it and vice versa.

This is the short term effect we all experience when we listen to music but do you know that the music you listen to can have a long term effect on your mind and brain structure?

How music can change the way you think and affect your brain
All babies are born with no information about the world they came to. As they grow up they start to form different beliefs about life by acquiring information through their different senses.

The reason why some people grow up to become self motivated while others turn into self crhticizing machines are the beliefs each of these groups form about life.

On the long term, the messages in the music we listen to precipitate together in our brain and change our beliefs about life to the extent that they start to affect the way we function in this world. for example, The continues listening to sad music that explains how horrible breakups are can shape people’s beliefs about breakups and make them suffer 10 times more than those who didn’t listen to such music.

So music doesn’t affect your brain directly but it affects your beliefs and in turn your beliefs affect the way you see the world and how you react to life events.

You are what you listen to
You aren’t just what you eat but you are also what you listen to. If you prefer to listen to motivating songs and kept doing that for a long period of time then most likely you will become much more self motivated than someone who doesn’t listen to motivating music (provided that all other factors are constant)

Keep listening to songs that describe how horrible life is and how unfair this world is and you will end up with a beaten up, resentful and helpless personality.

Music can affect your mood, mind and brain structure, its time to develop self discipline to control what you listen to and to prevent false beliefs from coming to your mind from external sources.

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