Dropbox, Box.net, and SugarSync Online Cloud Storage Solutions
Dropbox, Box.net and SugarSync cloud storage that is easy to set up and offer sharing options. With a recent post on Dropbox, we have been asked what we use, and for most things we haveGladinet Cloud Desktop linked to Amazon s3 and that works well for many things but needs a little user input and is not for everyone.
So I decided to look at Box.net, Dropbox, and SugarSync and do a quick review and comparison to help you decide what might work for you. Here is how they stacked up against each other so you can find the service that fits you and your needs the best.
Dropbox is a simple online/offline storage tool that has a nice sync software tool that you install on your computer and it does a continuous sync of files you put in the local folder set to sync. It has a nice online portal that is clean and simple with some sharing options. The software also integrates with your computer OS so you can share, get links etc. for the right-click fly out menu. The one thing it is missing is an integrated viewer when viewing online and lacks integrations with other services like Google Docs etc.
I have used Dropbox for sometime and I do like the simplicity of the interface and setup. They offer a free account with 2gb of space to give it a try.
Business User: 2.5/5 with the lack of collaboration tools and online viewers this tool falls short for the business work-flow.
Personal User: 4/5 Standout simplicity make it a great choice for the personal user, it would get a 5/5 if it had some sort of integrated viewer.
Box.net is a powerful file management and sharing tool. It lends itself more to the business user because of the in-depth collaboration tools. Some nice features are integrated web-viewer for most doc types and full integration with Google Docs. The feature about that integration as well is that with the integrated viewer you do not have to have a Google Docs account to view the file. However, if you want to edit the doc you will need to login into Google Docs.
Another powerful tool is the ability to create documents online with the built-in editor. This is also nice if you what to work completely in the cloud.
The free plan does not have a sync tool so if you want that feature you will have to go at least the $9.99/month plan. Then you can install the sync tool on your PC or Mac.
Business User: 5/5 With the many integrate tools for sharing, collaboration and the link to other services like Google Docs this makes it a standout for the business user.
Personal User: 3/5 I think this is too much for the person who just wants to back up files and have access to those files from other devices.
Price: $4.99/month 30 GB
Free Plan: 5GB
(Referral Link – Sign here and get 500mb Extra space)
Free Plan: 5GB
I have never used SugarSync and was forward to SugarSync by my friend Kevin Tea at Web2andmore.net
It is somewhat similar to Dropbox with an application that you install on your computer and pick the folders you want to sync. This is nice because you can leave you file system intact, unlike Dropbox where you have to put files and folders into the Dropbox folder.
Setup was simple and the web portal is easy to navigate. Integrated in the OS as well, so the right-click menu give options for sharing and links. A nice feature is the integrated music player, you can stream you music to your computer or your mobile. I nice way to keep you music accessible from all your devices.
Business User: 2.5/5 Similar to Dropbox, it is missing some key collaboration features for the business user.
Personal User: 4.5/5 If it had an integrated web-viewer for documents it would have a 5/5. Low price compared to Dropbox and the stream music tip the rating for SugarSync. Now of Music stream is not your thing and simple interface is to your liking then Dropbox would be the better choice.
REPOSTED BY NURKHOLIS AS ORIGINAL WITHOUT ANY ALTERATION OR EDITING FROM http://damangmedia.com/dropbox-vs-box-net-vs-sugarsync/
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