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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Trevor Williams is an expert at light painting and night photography. Armed with a palette of custom light painting gadgets and tools he fabricated himself, Trevor creates incredible works of photographic art that have to be seen to believe.
Light painting, also known as light drawing or light graffiti, is a photographic technique in which exposures are made usually at night or in a darkened room by moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera. In many cases the light source itself does not have to appear in the image.
The term light painting also encompasses images lit from outside the frame with hand-held light sources. The first known photographer to use this technique was Man Ray in his series “Space Writing” created in 1935. The photographer Ellen Carey discovered Man Ray’s signature signed by penlight nearly 74 years after the pictures had been taken.
The light can either be used to selectively illuminate parts of the subject or to “paint” a picture by shining it directly into the camera lens. Light painting requires a sufficiently slow shutter speed, usually a second or more. Like night photography, it has grown in popularity since the advent of digital cameras because they allow photographers to see the results of their work immediately.
Flash lights or light pens can also be used to create Full Bleed images. Different colored lights can be used to project an image on the CCD.
Check out Trevor Williams on FLICKR

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